Jackson both won the popular vote and got the most votes in the electoral college, but lost the election anyway.
When the US Constitution was written in 1787, the Electoral College was created to pick the US president using a majority ...
But losing the 1828 election may have been the best thing to happen to John Quincy Adams. After sulking home to Massachusetts, Adams pulled himself together and ran for Congress, launching an epic ...
"There is pollution in the touch, there is perdition in the example of a profligate woman," the Massachusetts Journal thundered in an 1828 editorial. Throughout the election, Jackson tried to ...
Winning the White HouseAndrew Jackson may have lost the election of 1824, but he rallied to win the presidency in 1828 and again in 1832. This bronze statue of Jackson was erected in front of the ...
Democrats have won 19 of 42 presidential elections since the party first ran a presidential candidate (Andrew Jackson) in 1828. While there is no precise date for the beginning of the Democratic ...
Reactions to the “Corrupt Bargain” led the House to nominate Jackson for presidency in 1825, three years before the 1828 election. During the election, Jackson was nicknamed “jackass” by his opponents ...
There is extensive evidence in our history revealing that attempts to disenfranchise the electorate are not a new problem.
A vice-president should also avoid getting on their boss's bad side. Soon after his 1828 election, President Andrew Jackson developed a deep dislike of Vice-President John Calhoun. The two ...
That was the largest bloc of states consistently won by the Democrats over that many elections since the formation of the modern party system in 1828. The 2016 election broke that pattern ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...
The Spectator was founded in 1828 and has published continuously since then – making ... my recent research has revealed how GB News shifted during the recent election campaign from being pro-Tory to ...