Golden Retriever, Viral

Allissa's two-year-old son and her dog Hudson have lots of common interests: zoomies, tennis balls, ice cream and, of course, ...
The 10-month-old golden retriever has become a "social ... keep an eye and an ear out on her," Burr says. Getting a puppy is a lot of work, Burr admits, but since he's retired, "that's why I ...
TV and movies portray dogs and cats as natural enemies, but strong bonds between unlikely friends extend to a cat parenting a ...
"The thought of them leaving their family makes me sad," one viewer on TikTok said. Another asked: "Do they get sad?" ...
Golden retriever Emma has been obsessed with her owners' coffee table since she was a puppy, and the dog parents have ...
Weddings often mark the start of a new chapter, but in a hilarious video, a pregnant dog and her canine partner were treated ...
A young woman said that the vicious incident left her six-year-old dog severely injured, requiring surgery and over $3,000 in ...
For people seeking to honor Tina Tintor and her dog, Max — both killed this ... The 23-year-old woman and her 3-year-old golden retriever were headed home following an early morning walk ...