They say experience is the best teacher, and for nurse practitioner and long-time labor & delivery (L&D) nurse ...
Just when you thought you had seen every type of gender reveal possible, a Brazilian baker dreamed up one more. Taisnara A.
A mom's viral TikTok reveals how one twin's jaw was affected by in-utero pressure from her sister. Despite the initial concern, the mom of two has perfectly healthy twin girls and the issue has since ...
A woman's delivery was made even more ... Burton knew she wanted to approach this pregnancy differently. "I remember during my second labor thinking it would get worse, but it never did.
Through the art of birth photography, Dickinson-based Regina Martin captures the raw beauty, strength and emotion of ...
DJ Chacha shares how The Medical City’s All-In Maternity Package allowed her to focus on what mattered most: her baby's ...
In an uncomplicated pregnancy, drug use during labor and delivery involves primarily oxytocin and narcotic analgesics. Oxytocin is a uterotonic agent, and it induces or augments labor. Pain is a ...
"Exercising during pregnancy has been shown to provide multiple benefits, including making labor and delivery smoother, potentially reducing the risk of interventions, and speeding up postnatal ...
Welcoming a life into the world is a meaningful moment for families everywhere. Given the significance of childbirth.
As Colorado’s birth rate continues a 20-year decline, maternity care services have become less financially sustainable, ...