Though Marie Curie's discovery of radium broke barriers and advanced science, it wasn't all positive. In fact, it ultimately led to her undoing.
Marie Curie spent years tirelessly exploring the properties of uranium and the mysterious phenomenon it emitted – ...
Marie Sklodowska was born ... half to Mons. and Mme. Curie and half to Henri Becquerel, whose discovery of the spontaneous radio-activity of uranium ore formed the basis of all subsequent ...
When scientists bombarded uranium with neutrons ... including Irene Joliot-Curie — Marie Curie’s daughter — and Meitner. Joliot-Curie had found that one of these new alleged transuranium ...
Marie Sklodowska Curie died on 4th July 1934 ... Curie studied rocks containing uranium, which at that point, was the only known radioactive material. Curie discovered a sample which gave off ...
Whilst at university, she wrote her thesis on radiation, inspired by the discoveries of Henry Beckerel and his work with Uranium. In 1898, Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, discovered the ...