The Zionist regime that has always faced security threats in its borders is seeking to exploit the domestic crises faced by ...
The Sykes-Picot agreement, known officially as the Asia Minor Agreement of 1916, was arguably the first in a series of attempts by colonial powers to mould the borders of the Middle East.
Unsurprisingly, some in Eastern Europe view the current US-Russia talks over Ukraine’s future as a revival of this kind of secret diplomacy that divided the smaller nations of Europe between large ...
Iran is prepared to collaborate with regional countries by sharing its scientific and technical expertise on nuclear matters, ...
3. The Sykes-Picot Agreement As World War I was well underway, British and French representatives sat down to agree how they'd divide up the Ottoman Empire after it was over. As an enemy power ...
3. The Sykes-Picot Agreement As the first world war was well under way, British and French representatives sat down to agree how they’d divide up the Ottoman Empire after it was over.