State senators represent communities at the California Legislature in Sacramento. The 40 members of the state Senate write and vote on state bills, serve on policy committees and vote on the ...
State Assembly members represent their communities at the California Legislature in Sacramento. The 80 members of the state Assembly write and vote on state bills, serve on policy committees and ...
State Assembly members represent their communities at the California Legislature in Sacramento. The 80 members of the state Assembly write and vote on state bills, serve on policy committees and ...
City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town ...
City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town ...
Currently, any local bond measure on the ballot must be approved by a two-thirds supermajority of voters in order to pass. Proposition 5 would reduce that threshold to 55% for bonds that fund ...
City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town ...
City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town ...
City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town ...