Each replicate, comprising 10 birds, was accommodated in pens measuring 200x100 cm. Throughout the feeding study, the EU's animal welfare guidelines were followed, ensuring a daily lighting cycle in ...
Keywords: immunity; heat stress; feed additive; coenzyme Q 10; eubiotic The notion of well-being encompasses a holistic evaluation of the health, quality of life, and overall welfare of living ... the ...
Vermont Business Magazine The Department of Public Safety has selected Lisa Milot to lead the newly created Division of ...
Several alarming incidents of animal cruelty and abuse have recently made headlines—igniting widespread outrage, calls for accountability, and highlighting the need for stricter penalties for abusers.
Wisconsin Humane Society president and CEO Alison Fotsch discusses the challenges shelters are currently facing.
Confining pigs to small spaces is harmful to animals, leads to less nutritious pork products and damages the environment in ...
The Cebu City Veterinary Services has been chosen as the recipient of the “Best Animal Welfare Award” by the Biyaya Animal ...
Weber County Animal Services is looking to boost its abilities to help animals through a new partnership. On Friday, Weber ...
Grazyne Tresoldi, assistant professor of animal welfare at Ohio State University, explains the nuances of animal welfare and ...
Check out “Animal testing, explained.” Here, I walked through what experimenting on animals actually looks like, why scientists do it, and who is looking out for the welfare of the animals.
These systems rely on human beings to do the initial work of identifying the meanings of different animal behaviors (usually based on long observation of animals in various situations).
The development of the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) classification criteria for both axial and peripheral SpA has been a welcome advance in this regard. This ...