Wamhoff says the project will transform the highway into a 4-lane to ease the daily congestion. He says every day roughly 76,000 vehicles travel on Highway 41. He says half of that traffic turns onto ...
As was reported last week, No Values fest, the Goldenvoice run, one-day mega-fest in California had a number of issues in running the event, including expensive food (lunch costing $25-40), ...
Why did the opossum cross the bridge? We’ll never know because California Highway Patrol (CHP) out of San Francisco stopped the critter in the act. CHP says the opossum wasn’t playing possum and was ...
From an airplane, cars crawling down the highway look like ants. But actual ants—unlike cars—somehow manage to avoid the ...
CHP in the East Bay have shut down westbound lanes of Highway 24 east of the Caldecott Tunnel Wednesday morning after a freeway shooting, authorities said.
If you are going for some important work and you face a traffic jam, then the only thought that comes to mind is that if there was a flying car, then we would be free from the hassle of traffic jam.
Traffic was backed up for about 10 miles, with some fluctuation, on the southbound Interstate 15 back to California on Sunday, officials said. The backup stretched from Jean, about 30 miles south ...
The East Bay's newest Costco is opening Friday, and police are warning the public about traffic delays. The new warehouse is located at Lone Tree Plaza Drive and Heidorn Ranch Road on the border of ...