New documentary on Holocaust survivor "Elie Wiesel: Soul on Fire" to be shown at Central Mass. Jewish Film Fest.
1944 - The Wiesel family is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, when Elie is 15. January 1945 - Is moved with his father to the Buchenwald concentration camp. His father dies there. April 11, ...
1958 – Wiesel’s book, “La Nuit,” is published ... 1987 – Establishes The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. 2006 – Is awarded an honorary knighthood from the British Empire.
The “staggeringly broad” law, he wrote in his opinion, would prevent public schools from stocking “non-fiction history books about the Holocaust.” He pointed specifically to Elie Wiesel ...
The late Elie Wiesel, the famed essayist and survivor of Adolf Hitler’s camps, once described the Holocaust as “an indictment of our present world.” Eight decades later, that verdict was ...
Few of us could have imagined the time we now are in. The present regime is using the most vulnerable among us for target ...
Trevor Connelly was dropped from his youth team for an Instagram post containing a swastika. The incident sparked a learning ...
He is the author of a recently published biography of Elie Wiesel. More about Joseph Berger Joan Didion’s Diary: The notes, taken after meetings with her psychiatrist, will be published in ...
After a life of virtue, empathy has been cast into the street by an array of billionaires, psychologists, evangelicals.
Author Amitav Ghosh is this year's keynote speaker at the Loyola University of Maryland Humanities Symposium, and he joins Jennifer Franciotti for a conversation about his research and writing about ...