A gorgeous Liverpool dog didn’t make it as a guide dog but he’s never forgotten his training and is “right where he’s meant ...
Some are service dogs, while others are guide dogs, dedicated to helping their blind humans navigate the world. Most often, ...
Cierge,” named Russell. In collaboration with Guide Dogs Victoria, this 20-month-old blond Labrador Retriever, named after ...
Hundreds of people - and their pets - have paid tribute to a terminally ill guide dog by joining him on his final walk. Red fox Labrador retriever Ian was recently diagnosed with cancer and given ...
Ex-guide dog Joey, a seven-year-old Labrador Retriever cross, can’t forget his training and clings to his owner’s clothing as he follows her around. Despite not making the cut as a guide dog due to ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Huikuang Guide Dog School in New Taipei is looking for foster families, as it recently welcomed 10 ...
A terminally ill guide dog was treated to a very special walk - so that he could say goodbye to all his family and friends. Video shows some of the dogs, owners and supporters who turned up to ...
My 67-year-old father has chronic arthritis and Parkinson’s disease, and I’m wondering if an assistance dog could help make his life a little easier.