With a big storm system threatening the U.S., experts share top tips on how you can best prepare yourself and your home.
Preparation can make the biggest difference when it comes to keeping you, your family, your loved ones, and anyone else you ...
Numbers for family, friends, doctors, insurances, veterinarians, etc. Put a copy in your emergency kit, and one near your ...
Don’t wait for an emergency to think about an evacuation or ‘go kit’. The Texas A&M Forest Service recommends you start with ...
Tornado safety tips. T ornadoes are among the most dangerous natural disasters—and you never know where or when they might ...
High winds and a fire danger are coming to Oklahoma on Friday, meaning you need to be prepared to leave your house in case of an evacuation.
As we approach the one-year anniversary, March 14, of a devastating tornado outbreak that impacted communities including Indian Lake, the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Industrial ...
Kern County Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Services March is Emergency Preparedness Month, and the Kern County Office of Emergency Services and the Kern County Fire Department ...
Have a family tornado plan in place, including knowing the safest place to take shelter in the event of a tornado and ...
Checking and maintaining essential safety devices in your home can make a significant difference in providing security and ...
Indianapolis residents can expect to hear tornado sirens every Friday morning as city officials test to make sure they are ...
The services help low-income military, veteran and senior homeowners to remain in their own homes. Since 2009, Rebuilding ...