The company that owns the truck that fell in identified through drone footage that the metal object was a part of the vehicle ...
The missing cabin of a truck swallowed by a huge sinkhole that emerged at an intersection in Yashio, Saitama Prefecture, was ...
Underground cables were cut, causing telecommunication issues in the neighborhood. Read more at
TOKYO - A truck cabin swallowed by a sinkhole in Japan has been found in a sewer pipe and may contain the body of its missing ...
The Government of Japan has been promoting startups to boost innovation and growth, and the pool of potential unicorns, those ...
Police in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture, have arrested a 53-year-old man on suspicion of stealing cash from a donation box at a temple, and said the man has admitted to similar thefts at temples ...
Denmark topped the rankings of 180 countries globally with the lowest levels of public-sector corruption for the seventh year ...
The aim of the policy is to enable local governments that will provide support, and the prefectures expected to receive help, to conduct joint disaster drills and other preparations.
Tuesday marked two weeks since a truck fell into a sinkhole on a prefectural road in Yashio, Saitama Prefecture.
Among fairly popular items are tablets to prevent odor and sliminess in water left in bathtubs. On Jan. 29 and 30 in particular, sales of the tablets increased to about five times greater than usual.
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry will designate in advance local governments that will dispatch relief ...