A labor & delivery nurse’s viral TikTok reveals what truly shocked her about giving birth—from exhaustion to pushing. Here’s ...
Just when you thought you had seen every type of gender reveal possible, a Brazilian baker dreamed up one more. Taisnara A.
A mom's viral TikTok reveals how one twin's jaw was affected by in-utero pressure from her sister. Despite the initial concern, the mom of two has perfectly healthy twin girls and the issue has since ...
The pelvic-floor muscles are important for stability and support during pregnancy, labor and delivery and postpartum recovery ...
DJ Chacha shares how The Medical City’s All-In Maternity Package allowed her to focus on what mattered most: her baby's ...
In an uncomplicated pregnancy, drug use during labor and delivery involves primarily oxytocin and narcotic analgesics. Oxytocin is a uterotonic agent, and it induces or augments labor. Pain is a ...
"Exercising during pregnancy has been shown to provide multiple benefits, including making labor and delivery smoother, potentially reducing the risk of interventions, and speeding up postnatal ...