The gear has been tested by U.S. Army and Navy personnel during a month-long winter research mission to the Arctic.
What if the clothes you wear could care for your health? MIT researchers have developed an autonomous programmable computer ...
“We take raw wool or fiber from other fiber animals, such as sheep, alpaca, llama, bison, musk oxen, Angora goats and Angora rabbits,” Quandt said. “People can bring us fiber from their ...
New "smart" clothes warn the wearer when they are sickening for something. American scientists have developed a fiber computer and networked several of them into a garment that learns to identify ...
Dozens of base layer merino mesh shirts with fiber computers will be providing real-time information on the health and activity of the individuals participating on this mission, called Musk Ox II.
Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed clothing that can help tell people if they are coming ...
These fiber computers’ physiological data capture ability surpasses standard-fashioned wearables, which are restricted to certain body areas like the chest and the wrist. Becaus ...
What if the clothes you wear could care for your health?MIT researchers have developed an autonomous programmable computer in the form of an elastic ...