Ebeid: This kind of massive destruction of water infrastructure—it does not just affect the water supply; it also leads to ...
Ahram Online takes an in-depth look into the decades-old schemes by Israel to expand its territories by swallowing the West ...
Ahram Online takes an in-depth look into the decades-old schemes by Israel to expand its territories by swallowing the West ...
Engaging with the group does not equal an endorsement. It is just a clear-eyed assessment that talking can yield results ...
The report, published by IMPACT-se, shows remarkable acceptance of Jews and Jewish history, focusing on collaborations ...
History has shown that Palestinian resilience cannot be broken by military force. A new destruction will not erase the ...
Clashes between rival factions in the Ethiopian region of Tigray have raised the spectre of a new war between Ethiopia and ...
Most of the world now knows that Iran gave critical and multifaceted support to Hamas, which enabled the October 7 invasion ...
Without remembering past events, we are doomed to repeat the same fatal mistakes. This has been proven endlessly over the ...
Saudi Arabia has been the new centre for mediation between warring states and their sponsors. It reflects the shifting dynamics in an increasingly multipolar world and the redefinition of power ...
Since October 7, the world’s eyes have been on Gaza, but on the other side of Israel, peace is still further away than ever ...