ASTANA – Globalism is losing relevance, giving way to state nationalism, the struggle for spheres of influence, and the ...
Since the end of the Balkan Wars in the 1990s, the US has served as one of the main underwriters of stability and development ...
We now have nonsense wars on pretty much everything, in particular, notions of wokeness, DEIA, the list goes on and on, but ...
The American disaster in Vietnam was supposed to have put to rest the folly of US military interventions to shore up tottering regimes abroad. The ...
Motorcycle gangs are a staple of cyberpunk anime, but there's a lot more to them than just looking cool and futuristic.
As the African Union (AU) commissioned its Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy around July last year (2024), and with the setup of an AU Advisory Group on AI by the AU Peace and Security Council ...