Hanks ended up turning the part down, however, and instead went on to star in Philadelphia and Forrest Gump back-to-back - ...
Tom Hanks once sent back his Oscars awards to The Academy. Keep reading to know the surprising reason behind his move!
Tom Hanks is apparently not the greatest fit for wildlife documentary narration. Launching via BBC One on Sunday, 2 March, a new six-part series titled The Americas puts the two-time Oscar-winner (for ...
Tom Hanks has played many iconic movie characters, some of whom are real-life figures, such as pilot Sully Sullenberger and ...
Did Tom Hanks suffer majorly because of extreme weight ... Hanks had a history of yo-yo dieting for roles. In Philadelphia, he shed pounds to portray a lawyer battling AIDS. For Cast Away, he ...
In the mid-90s, Tom Hanks won back-to-back Best Actor trophies for portraying a gay lawyer’s battle against AIDS in Philadelphia and for a luminous everyman in Forrest Gump. He has come close ...
By Tim McKeough In 2011, when Sam Mink and Anthony Padilla bought the loft where characters played by Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas had lived in the 1993 movie “Philadelphia,” there were many ...
Tom Hanks, the versatile actor who has grown ... The pinnacle of his career: ‘Philadelphia’ and ‘Forrest Gump’ Hanks’ great moment would come in 1993 with ‘Philadelphia’, the first ...