Looking ahead, the legacy of LUMUN 21 will serve as a guiding light for future initiatives. The discussions, resolutions, and ...
A: In combating cross-border human trafficking, collaboration with colleagues from other countries is crucial. These crimes ...
Organized in response to the growing regional challenges of rising HIV infections, gaps in prevention and treatment, and ...
With this perspective, the Women’s Network Advisory Board convened on 10 December 2024 to review past achievements, plan future steps, and outline next year’s activities. Operating under the EU-funded ...
UNODC has hosted a roundtable to discuss cooperation in strengthening the curricula of national police training institutions in Kazakhstan. The two-day dialogue, held at the Karaganda Poliсe Academy, ...
Forensic services play an essential role in the fight against illicit drugs and crime by providing accurate, objective and timely information to law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice ...
Children in North-East Nigeria face immense challenges, including recruitment and exploitation and violence by armed and criminal groups. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) ...
Este módulo les presenta a los alumnos la idea de que la integridad y la ética son elementos clave del éxito empresarial sostenible.  En él se examinan las razones por las que la gente que está en ent ...
Conduzir o processo seletivo de pessoa para assumir o posto de Oficial de Monitoramento e Avaliação do Projeto Tapajós/PEMS em conexão à implementação de outros projetos do Escritório das Nações ...
Conduzir processo de seleção de pessoa para assumir o posto de Oficial de Comunicação, em conexão ao projeto PEMS - Tapajós.