The gripping story of 1960s/early 70s musical supernova Sylvester Stewart, better known as Sly Stone, will unfold in the upcoming musical doc Sly Lives! (aka The Burden of Black Genius). The first, heady trailer for the eagerly anticipated film directed by Roots drummer Questlove dropped on Thursday night (Jan.
George Clinton, The Doobie Brothers, and other legends will make history at the Songwriters Hall of Fame’s 2025 induction.
George Clinton, The Doobie Brothers, Mike Love of the Beach Boys, and other artists will be honored at a ceremony in June.
The Songwriters Hall of Fame's class of 2025 inductees includes P-Funk founder George Clinton, Doobie Brothers, country hitmaker Ashley Gorley, more.
Musical legends George Clinton, Tom Johnston, Michael McDonald, and Patrick Simmons of The Doobie Brothers, Ashley Gorley, Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, Mike Love, and Tony Macaulay will be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame at the 2025 Induction and Awards Gala.
The latest line of U.S. carriers is named for Gerald R. Ford, and another of the multi-billion-dollar ships bears John F. Kennedy's name.
George Clinton, The Doobie Brothers' Tom Johnston, Michael McDonald and Patrick Simmons and The Beach Boys' Mike Love are among this year's inductees.
George Clinton, Mike Love, and members of the Doobie Brothers are among the 2025 Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama would not be able to serve a third term because they served two consecutive terms.
President Trump and Secretary Rubio both understand Iran and how Iran reacts to perceived weakness. Pulling security from targets will be perceived as weak.
Coming in at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 chart dated Saturday are Taylor Swift 's Lover: Live From Paris, followed by SZA's SOS at No. 3, Kendrick Lamar 's GNX at No. 4 and Lil Baby's Wham at No. 5.