The theatre’s last production before its demolition is one of the finest stagings of the Tennessee Williams play that I’ve ...
You Might Notice a Trend: The first freedom denied; the chain being forged. Bark Bark Woof Woof: Canada, dropping the gloves. God's Spies: Capitalism in decay. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: ...
Former 'The Mommy Club' star Ratile Mabitsela opened up about dealing with grief after her husband Lehlogonolo Mabitsela's ...
Athol Fugard, South Africa’s foremost dramatist who explored the pervasiveness of apartheid in such searing works as “The Blood Knot” and “‘Master Harold’… and the Boys” to show how the racist system ...
Athol Fugard, the renowned South African playwright, novelist, actor, and director, best known for his searing critiques of ...
Internationally acclaimed South African playwright, director, and actor, Athol Fugard, died at his home on Sunday after a long illness. Athol Fugard was 92. The writer exposed the realities of ...
(Web Desk) - Athol Fugard, the South African playwright whose work explored the racial oppressions of apartheid, died at the age of 92. Throughout six decades, Fugard produced more than 30 plays, to ...