O’Brien has been quietly weighing for months whether to get into the race, according to people with whom he has discussed the ...
Domingos DaRosa plans to run a "grassroots" campaign for mayor. Prominent developer Thomas O’Brien is reportedly considering ...
Josh Kraft, who has worked across Boston's neighborhoods for 35 years, has never held an elected office, but intends to run ...
Community activist Domingos DaRosa said he is running for mayor of Boston, bringing the field of declared challengers vying ...
Boston mayoral candidate Josh Kraft says the city’s growing payroll, boasting more than 500 employees who earned more than ...
And Boston, which did not exactly cover itself in glory during the critical 2024 general election — with ballot shortages, ...
The South Boston St. Patrick's Day Breakfast, where Boston's most powerful swap jokes over bacon and eggs, is an annual lightning rod for rivalries and gossip. This year, an already contentious Boston ...
The managing partner of HYM Investment Group would be the latest well-known candidate to take on incumbent Michelle Wu.
Boston’s undecided voters react to the early mayoral campaign as incumbent Michelle Wu and challenger Josh Kraft juggle ...
HYM Investment Group founding partner Thomas O'Brien has reportedly been thinking about challenging Mayor Michelle Wu.
Boston is inching closer to having ranked choice voting in local elections. The push, led by At-Large City Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune, comes nearly five years after voters across the commonwealth ...
Wu has won their backing after successful contract negotiations. The endorsement comes as the mayor prepares to testify in ...