The action-comedy franchise that defined buddy cop movies in the late ’90s and early 2000s is experiencing a surprise renaissance, as all three Rush Hour films simultaneously dominate Netflix’s Top 10 ...
When it comes to Jackie Chan fantasy films ... here are Arnold Schwarzenegger's action movies ranked from worst to best. Overall, Iron Mask didn’t fully become the blockbuster it was intended ...
It has been nearly two decades since Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker teamed up for a Rush Hour movie, but that hasn’t stopped the action-comedy films from continuing to be immensely popular. In addition ...
High-ranking NASA astronaut Gordon Barrett (Chris ... John Wick has never lost count of his remaining bullets. Jackie Chan’s various inspectors and agents view the world as their personal ...
"A Legend," on DVD, Blu-ray and video-on-demand Tuesday, is not the usual Jackie Chan movie but it still boasts some impressive action.