Miss Manners is all for telling strangers -- kindly and privately -- about wardrobe malfunctions, but in this case, nothing ...
The price tag on her can was within a few cents of what I paid for the albacore.Her action was deliberate. Never again.
Did the letter writer do the right thing by quickly passing by their injured professor who was getting the help she needed?
Miss Manners suggests instead that you slip out quietly to “refresh the bar” and “replenish the food” -- even if that takes the exact length of the event to accomplish. (Please send your ...
GENTLE READER: Decent people do not, as you said, admonish people directly. Nor do they go looking for trouble. If the ...
Is it rude to half-attend a party if it’s in my house? GENTLE READER ... of the event to accomplish. Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website, www.missmanners.com; to her ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a young adult who bought a ... who were not interested in visiting you elsewhere). Turning your house into an unauthorized resort is not a solution. If costs are still ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Are there polite ways to refuse to ... out a phone and begins videoconferencing the grandkids. I don’t mind -- until they try to force the phone on me. I have no interest ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I used to be religious, many years ago, but I now identify as pagan -- meaning that I believe in the powers of Mother Earth, and that everything she’s created is sacred.
Does Miss Manners have any suggestions? GENTLE READER: Since it is unlikely that you had an extra slip or skin-tone undies on your person ... organized in her mind, but it is unkind.
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was walking in the humanities building of the university where I am a graduate student. I turned the corner of the hallway that leads to the offices and saw one of my ...