Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur has recently shared her newfound passion for thread work. The actress took to social media to reveal her latest hobby, showing fans a glimpse of her artistic side.
Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah took to Instagram to claim that Hi Nanna was remade without officially buying the rights of the alleged original version.
Natural Star Nani’s 2023 romantic drama 'Hi Nanna' won hearts with its emotional storytelling. The movie, starring Mrunal Thakur as the female lead, r ...
Shouryuv-directorial Hi Nanna released in 2023 and was a massive hit. It starred Nani, Mrunal Thakur and Kiara Khanna in lead roles.
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Producer Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah has accused the team of Hi Nanna for creating a “cheap copy” of his Kannada movie Bheemasena Nalamaharaja without securing the remake rights. The Telugu film’s makers ...
Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah, producer of the 2020 Kannada film "Bheema Sena Nala Maharaja," has accused the creators of Nani's ...
If franchise films are the ticket to success today as many filmmakers and trade analysts will have you believe, Ajay Devgn ...